Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The information provided on this site may be personal and/or private and is not promoted for use outside the agreed upon criteria. Any and all members present on this site acknowledge and respect the information given is to be used for private contact and not to be shared outside of this select network unless otherwise specified. Failure to follow these terms of engagement leaves the individual or group liable to any legal repercussions and not F2FCC or its associated corporations. Any misuse of the information provided will result in immediate removal of your information from F2FCC.ca as well as denied access to the site. In some cases pending repercussions are dependent on the severity of the incident.

You (the individual or group) understand(s) that the use of F2FCC.ca is a free service provided by Carolyn Cole (and associates) solely for the use of permitted interaction using our network of person/private information. In exchange for access to our network we do not demand any set fees or other compensation. Rather than an explicit fee, the option to make donations based on deal interaction and overall experience is welcomed. Outside of donations, only previously specified agreements may allow for F2FCC to directly compensate from the longings F2FCC.ca.

I hereby confirm and accept the following conditions and rules of engagement for the proper use of Family 2 Family Capital Connections private network and website.